Institute for Transport Studies, BOKU Vienna

The Institute for Transport Studies is part of the Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU). The institute is concerned with the sustainable development of transport in rural and urban areas. The main focus is on mobility research, opportunity-oriented mobility systems, socio-economic impacts of transport infrastructure investments, traffic flow and transport telematics.

Bild von Juliane Stark

Assoz. Prof. DI Dr. PD Juliane Stark
Mobility behaviour and attitudes,
Mobility of youth / children

DI Dr. Sandra Wegener
Active mobility, Health,
Travel behaviour research

Bild von Sandra Wegener
Bild von Shun Su

Shun Su, MSc.

Traffic engineering, Modeling,
, VR-Lab

DI Valerie Batiajew
Sustainable urban development, active mobility

Picture of Reinhard Hoessinger

PD Mag. Dr. Reinhard Hössinger
Mobility behavior, data analysis,
discrete decision models

B.Sc. Elisabeth Huter

student assistant,
support survey (May-June 2023)

B.Sc. Tobias Dürhammer
student assistant,
project support (February 2024 – ongoing)

Institute for Sustainable Economic Development, BOKU Vienna

The Institute for Sustainable Economic Development is part of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). The institute develops solutions that contribute to sustainable development. As a team of economists, social scientists and natural scientists, problem-related disciplinary approaches are combined to interdisciplinary solutions in research and teaching.

Bild von Maria E. Schauppenlehner-Kloyber

Mag. Dr. Maria E. Schauppenlehner-
Participation; Learning processes in groups; Transdisciplinary research

Mag. Dr. Michael Braito
Environmental economics & sociology;
Environmental Psychology

Bild von Michael Braito

sicher unterwegs – Verkehrspsychologische Untersuchungen GmbH

The traffic psychology institute “sicher unterwegs” offers various services in the field of traffic safety. The project-related focus is on the development of prevention concepts as well as mobility and traffic education.

Bild von Bettina Schützhofer

Mag. Dr. Bettina Schützhofer
Clinical psychologist, Health and traffic psychologist, Traffic safety

Mag. Barbara Krammer-Kritzer
Clinical psychologist, Health and traffic psychologist, Traffic and mobility education